にし阿波の豊かな環境で生まれる黒毛和牛Japanese Black Cattle Beef born in the enriched environment in Nishiawa


Tanifuji Farm, since the establishment in 1960, has been specializing in Japanese Black Cattle Beef and working on a consistent business from breeding, fattening, butchering, processing to distribution and striving to produce and distribute the product literally called authentic Japanese Beef in the rich natural environment of Higashimiyoshi-cho Tokushima Prefecture located in the middle basin of Yoshino River.

母牛を選抜淘汰し、高資質の子牛を大切に育成Selecting parent cows and growing their high-quality calves cherishingly

ハラル肉の生産に特価した「株式会社 にし阿波ビーフ」の基礎となったのがこの「谷藤ファーム」です。

Tanifuji Farm's domestic headage is about 750 in Tokushima Pref. and 1,500 in Miyazaki Pref. including the group businesses.
We have huge ranches such as Minoda Ranch, Kushima Ranch and Hokkyoku Ranch, feeding nutritionally well-balanced grass, securing sufficient water, and furthermore selecting parent cows, breeding and growing high-quality calves by an appropriate line breeding.
the cows grazing peacefully are butterball with shiny black coat. They grow big and stress-free in the nature where a lot of farm crops grow and full of water.
It is Tanifuji Farm that acts as a solid foundation for Nishiawa Beef Ltd. to specialize in producing Halal meat.
Hayato Tanifuji who is leading the next generation of the company, said about how they started the production of Halal meat.
“We have been in business of Japanese Black Cattle Beef Ranch for about 60 years since my grandfather's generation.
We made up our mind to challenge the field of Halal beef which is expected have growth potential from now on.

安心・安全・高品質の牛肉を、にし阿波から世界へSecure, safe and high-quality Beef from Nishiawa to the World

目覚ましい発展を続けるイスラム圏への輸出と、増え続ける訪日ムスリムの旅行者の方々に、安全・安心・高品質の日本産牛肉をお届けするべく、株式会社 にし阿波ビーフは躍進し続けます。

Nishiawa Ltd., is keeping on leaping ahead in order to export our secure, safe and high-quality Japanese Beef to Islamic world achieving remarkable development and offering it to the increasing inbound visitors to Japan.

ストレスをかけない屠畜方法がおいしさの秘密The secret of deliciousness is stress-free butchering method

私たちは「谷藤ファーム」で育て「株式会社 にし阿波ビーフ」で生産された安心・安全な牛肉をグループの販売店を通じてお客様にお届けするべく、日々精進を重ねています。


March, 2016 Completion of meat center special for Halal butchering

December, 2016 Obtaining Halal certification

March, 2017 Obtaining HACCP

November, 2017 Certified facility handling beef export to Malaysia

January, 2018 Certified facility handling beef export to Indonesia

“Nishiawa Beef” is produced by distinctive and stress-free butchering method to the cows in the place of Ajiro, HigashiMiyoshi-cho. The secret of Nishiawa Beef's deliciousness is not only that they are grown in this rich natural environment but also, above all, the method itself of making Halal beef.
Generally speaking, beef meat itself does not become strained and becomes high-quality when stress-free butchering method is used.
“Nishiawa Beef is so tender and has Umami (delicious taste),” say local people and chefs from Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe. They have really wanted to send the established reputation of their deliciousness to the world and therefore we, in December, 2016 incorporated the business, at the same time, employed three Muslims from Indonesia and went all out to launch the production of Japanese Halal Black Cattle Beef.
In order to deliver Secure and safe Black Cattle cows grown in Tanifuji Farm and produced by Nishiawa Beef Ltd., through our group shops of Nishiawa Beef Ltd., we have been studying and working hard.

Halal Beef is the meat legally processed by Islamic law. It is accompanied with a lot of difficulties to obtain Halal certification. Depending on each on out of Islamic countries, the terms and conditions are defined finely. Our company produces Halal beef according to the terms and conditions of Indonesia and Malaysia.

(Japan Halal Association)


(Musulim Professional Japan Association)


